UPIKA Carb-Boost

Premium carbohydrates for endurance sports for peak, consistent, crash-free energy.

Constant Energy

27g of quality carbohydrates per serving for continuous energy.

Easy to Digest

18g of Cyclic Dextrin, a carbohydrate with quick gastric emptying that eliminates digestive discomfort.

Optimal Absorption

Glucose/fructose ratio designed to optimize absorption.

Without taste, without smell

For easy, thirst-quenching consumption.

18g highly branched cyclic dextrin

9g fructose


25 portions per bag.

How to Use

Add 1 to 3 servings of Carb-Boost to 1 serving of Upika Endurance in 500 to 650ml of water to maximize energy and hydration.

Carbohydrate requirements per minute of activity:
0-45mins = 0g
45-120mins = 30g to 60g
120mins+ = 75g to 120g

Free returns within 30 days

Free shipping with orders of $75 and more

"When I won the 125km UTHC, I was able to test the Carb-Boost as a trial. I always had a bottle with 75g of carbohydrates. This nutrition plan has served me very well!"

Jean-Philippe Thibodeau. Ultra-trail Athlete.

Fuel your


The vast majority of endurance athletes are undernourished. Not consuming enough carbohydrates during your efforts is detrimental to performance and recovery.

Quality carbohydrates

Our carbohydrate blend, consisting mainly of cyclic dextrin, a fast gastric emptying carbohydrate, ensures you get constant energy, without digestive discomfort.

2:1 ratio

The 2:1 ratio of glucose and fructose maximizes the capacity of the digestive system and optimizes the energy intake of your nutrition.

Carbohydrate recommendation per hour of activity

0-45 mins = 0g

45-120mins = 30-60g

120+ mins = Up to 120g

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Dominique Massie-Martel

Parfait pour long entraînements d’endurance!

Véronique Lalonde

Produit excellent, juste des carbs.

Adam Beaudry
Dosage parfait à tout coup

Permet le dosage parfait de carbs dans chaque bouteille grace au Carbs boost. Aucun inconfort même en grosse dose.

Francis Bouthillette

Juste des glucides, pas de froufrou, max performance

Frederick Mallette
Carbo boost

C’est de la bombe, la méthode la plus facile pour ajouter de l’énergie pour toute sorte de sortie!